Sunday, June 1, 2008

Move over Dora, Elmo, Barney & Boobah ~ Make room for Thomas!

As Jamie gets older she is much more demanding about what she would like to watch. Although our public library here in town has a fine selection of dvds available to borrow at no cost, OnDemand is a wonderful, convenient source for all of her faves, including the new one on the list - Thomas the train. Who'da thunk that a show about a train would be so popular...but there is something about it I like...could be I love me some Alec Baldwin voiceover and the use of 'cross' instead of mad always makes me smile.

Mike installed 'Twitter' recently (see the sidebar on the right) and it's kind of neat, but it is a bit of a new widget program. I wanted one that would allow me to announce a sort of 'swimming pool open house' whenever we were in the far nobody has taken us up on it. I guess people are just more comfortable with a phone conversation instead when you are talking about coming by...there is a function that can alert people via cell phone but I think it involves text messaging and my friends and I just arent there yet. Also before I got in today Twitter was down so I couldnt change the widget to say we were in the pool.

So anyway everyone I know irl if you read my blog and its Sat or Sun, check it to see if we are 'in the swim'.


Unknown said...

We love Thomas at our house...or we did when the boys were little enough to enjoy it!

Unknown said...

I have a Thomas the train set Thomas has a motor in him