Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jamie's first Painting

We went to 'Toddler Art' yesterday at the library downtown. It was great. We were sitting at a table with a little boy and his mom and grandmom, and we were given white and blue paint. It turned out quite pretty with shades of turquiose, blue and white, and the little boys grandma said it was her favorite color. I got a lump in my throat and said out loud, "I wish my mom was here too..." Mom (and Fran) she did a grandma proud. It's too bad you two are both so far away.


Chris Hunt said...

What an artist!! Did she make a painting for you to take home? She looks so happy but what else is new. Chris

Marthavmuffin said...

Yes you can see it off to the side. The cardboard with the paint on it. Maybe I will post it.