Saturday, February 13, 2010

This Wii Active gives a good workout

Well I made it through one week of the 30 Day Challenge with this 'game'. It really isn't a game, it's a work out video/guide. It really is like having a personal trainer as it encourages you and nags you if you aren't lunging or squatting low enough, or if you aren't running fast enough.

It gives you rest days periodically and good thing too! Although it changes up the exercises so you don't work the same muscle group two days in a row, it's a heck of a work out, it really gets your heart rate up and keeps you moving. I have been getting up and doing it at 6am before my shower and Jamie wakes up.

I weighed in yesterday for our weightloss challenge and put a couple of the lbs lost back on. Could I have made muscle that quick? Or was it the pizza for lunch?

Need to get back on the food part of this thing. Time to eat more fish.

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