Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to School/Work

Well my lazy days of summer have come to an end. Mike teaches high school and has been off this summer so I have relied on him to take Jamie to school and do stuff around the house. It's almost as if we are both off for the summer, though I am not sure he feels that way.His school got an "F" grade this past year and so he has to do some kind of remedial education Team building crap this week and next week some more of the same. Stuff that teachers that weren't in F schools dont have to do this crap.And why may you ask did his school recieve an "F" grade this year? Well two of the neighboring schools that are located in the inner City got 3 consecutive "F" grades in the recent past. Sooo...with the infinite wisdom of our state government those kids were given vouchers to get out of the schools....Like rats from a sinking ship. So now Mikes school is failing. What are they going to do when all of the schools are F? Going to shut down the public school system? What makes sense here? Don't get me started.Anyway back to me, Now I get to get Jamie ready again each morning, and resume with the dishes and more of the household chores Mike has been doing. And the errands, and the grocery shopping...ugh...

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