Sunday, July 29, 2012

Putter uppers vs Leave Outters

I am constantly looking for something in this house. It doesn't help we have so much crap everywhere but often it has to do with my husband and his way of being a 'Putter Upper'. Put not putt. If he sees cupboard doors open he closes them, if he sees a lettuce bag on the counter he throws it away, if he sees a book he shoves it in the bookcase.

Often without thinking or even knowing he did it.

Where is that lettuce bag? I have washed the lettuce and it's been draining in the colander..Now its time to wrap back up in the lettuce bag (Did you know it keeps better in the original bag they package it in?)...anyway nine times out of ten he has thrown it away.

Or closed the cupboard (which sometimes I leave open when using Worcestshire or Oregano... or face it just while I a cooking)

Or files random books away in one of our many bookcases.Not such a problem til it's a library book. We have paid for many a library book to find it months or years later in a bookcase mixed in.

But what can I say? He puts up with me and I am a Leave Outer, Leave Opener...So which is worse?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Losing teeth, and loving friends

 almost topless!

 At Dog Days at the Ball Park

Life is whizzing by, I can't believe half the summer is gone, or almost gone. I wrote a contract yesterday and a customer just called to make an offer on the houses we saw today so business is good.

Jamie is done with her 3 week summer camp, they had a little skit in which she had one line that she knew upside down and sideways...we were shocked when she had a bout of Stage Fright. Stood there like a deer in the headlights, finally said the line but wtih no aplomb. I was disaopinted but didn't share it with her. I just know she is so capable of delivering...I was shocked she didn't do it.

So now a few weeks home with dad and then mid August she goes to YMCA Camp for a week so Mike can get back to work and get his room in order.

How is your summer going?