Saturday, October 15, 2011

Great day!

Not just because it's my Birthday. Life is just grand for some reason.

Yes still no job.

I am thinking of becoming a realtor and am exploring options and next steps to see if this is realistic.

Some say because of the economy that it isn't a good option.

But it's my passion. When given the choice I have on House Hunting or Flipping Out on the television and have spent countless hours on zillow and realtor dot com. What can I say, I just love looking at houses for sale.

I spent the last 6 years of my recent tenure as an ad representative working with the real estate sector, mainly agents and brokers so I have some background.

Now I just need to go through Real estate school, pass the test, get licenced and get more training and mentoring to become what I have always wanted to be.

It's my passion and you know what they say about passion...

1 comment:

The Lovely One said...

I think this is actually an ok time to be a Realtor. Sure, it's not a good time to sell, but it's an EXCELLENT time to buy, and people need a Realtor for that! Good luck!