Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer trip

Wow the summer is almost gone and so is our vacation. I know they say not to post that you are on vacation, so as not to let the friends of friends know your house is unattended but we have someone staying there.

And I let it out on FB already.

We have been up to Michigan to stay for a full week where I visited cousins, stepsisters and nieces/nephews and uncles and my Dad. We stayed with Dad the whole time, it was hard for him, he is 80 and not used to his routine being upset. Not that he changed his routine all that much but the rugs got out of place a bit (After I cleaned all the floors), lights were left on, his bathroom was used by a five year old who left the fan on and the door ajar, etc etc.

We visited my Cousin Kris who is my best friend/cousin. She is the one I must never miss seeing while up there, and we never do miss it. She lives across the street from the lake but we didn't make it out to the lake any of the days we were there. We mainly visited and taught them 'the game' (Settlers of Catan which I am addicted to and am trying to pass my addiction on to as many loved ones as possible)

I also went to a small family gathering and saw cousins and children of cousins and grandchildren of cousins that I barely know anymore. But it was great...everyone we visited had a bit of a rural flavor to their home.

We are now in North Carolina after a 14.5 hour trip that should have taken 11.5 hours, staying at my brother in law Bruce's. Bruce lives on a large lot (over an acre) and is so far from town that my cell doesn't work out here. Kind of nice, no phone but internet.

Jamie is now eagerly awaiting going to the movies to see Zookeeper for a matinee on our last day here. We haven't done alot for Jamie here in N. Carolina, as we mainly just hang in the house visiting. I would rather take her somewhere to run off some energy but it is 100 degrees out there already and it isn't noon yet.

They have bowling and roller skating there too, but she picked the movies. Maybe we can find an inside play place.

We brought the dog and I don't think Mike really wanted to. But Samson has been great. He is so mellow and great on trips. Mike has even said what a great decision it was to bring him. This vacation has been mostly about visiting rather than going to attractions as money is a bit tight this year. So no Cedar Point (which I love) No Hershey Park (Which Jamie Loves) and no Museums or Presidential Burial grounds (which Mike loves).

Just sitting and resting. Which is really what a vacation should be. I know I needed it.

When is the last time you went on a sitting and resting vacation? I think this was my first.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer time Life - Kittens & Sleepovers

Jamie's BFF is Emmie, the blond in the photos. She also goes to our church. We make sure there is alot of 'Emmie time' as it is really important to Jamie to see her often. Emily's mom recently informed me they may move back to the Northwest next year when she is done with college. I hope this doesn't happen - it will be so sad for Jamie and for Emmie.

These kittens are at a neighbors down the street from us. Jamie and I were going by there a couple/few times a week to pick up and handle the kittens to help domesticate them.

Did you know if a kitten isn't handled by a human between 4 & 8 wks old they will prbably never become a good house pet? They need that imprinting at that very crucial time. Apparently we didn't over often enough as they are both running from everyone now.

Destined to be yard cats just like their parents.

Summer time Life - more baseball

Summer time Life - Part 1 Ballgames

I didn't post the photo of Jamie crying because of the scary Ronald McDonald the next section over. We have gone to a couple of games already this year and will probably go to a few more.

One of the benefits of where I work is Season tickets right behind home plate. Our home baseball team is a Minor league team and the park allows usage of unused tickets any Sunday - Thursday. And since Jamie is very much enamored of being in crowds in any capacity she loves going to the Baseball game!