Ok when will this get better?! And wth are they talking about the terrible twos? The twos were downright delightful, I mean it. But these threes are challenging me to the utmost.
Heres what she did today:
Screamed and cried numerous times - first time at 7:55 while I was attempting to 'herd her' to the van. "I wanna eat my cereal here at MMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY TABLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEE; WAHHHHH!!"
No sorry baby, Mommy has to go to work yadayadayada....
At school:
She got put in time out more than once for fighting with her friends, she wasn't listening to the teacher, (Again, yesterday she wasn't listening or coming back from the bathroom and was wandering towards the front door of the center...)
Then when I come home from school I find a ziplock bag of Lucky Charms in her bag. WHICH I DONT GIVE HER! Which means she is stealing from other kids! (Again!) I knw I am a mean mom, she has done this in the past with Juice Boxes and chips. Some moms give their kids this crap for breakfast and Jamie prefers it to low sugar cereal and fresh strawberrries, but thats another story...
Then at home, she ate her dinner ok...but during her bath, I left the room and told her NOT TO GET OUT OF THE TUB, which she did (Again, just like last night) and was sneaking over to the bath paint, (which I would probably have given her if she had just asked)
Why this makes me crazy is my daughter is a clutz and has slipped so many times in and getting out of that tub! Darn it she could really get hurt!
SO I took her out of the bathtub. BIGTIME TANTRUM! "I'm not done, I'm not done!"
Anyway after that tantrum I sat quietly in the dark with her and explained about taking other peoples things and how that wasn't nice and also how she needed to listen to her teachers and me and daddy...
I am sure her eyes were glazing over during my lecture ...
After I put her to bed lovingly, I stayed upstairs to vacuum our bedroom...and she snuck out of bed and got my make up purse into bed with her and smeared it all over herself and the bed. She looked like Adam Friggin ant.
And now I have effectively stripped her room of loveys and books and other stuff....she has gotten up at least 6 times....
Tips for the best relationships
Every connection is unique and special, as you might expect, but healthy
associations have some commonalities. For instance, every relationship
requires so...
6 months ago
It seems we have twins that were separated at birth! My Allie is exactly the same way!
Three is hard
Yep, my son (though we were lucky because he was pretty easy and laid back) had the terrible threes worse than twos. Our babies are turning two soon....and our little guy seems easy so far...or, will rather be a hard three. But our little girl seems on target like Jamie at three...but maybe sooner (ugh!) Though your story of what she did IS pretty funny :-)
Ever watch the Dog Whisper? It is kinda the same concept with kids. You have to be routine and consistant, it sounds to me she is not getting enough displine.
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