Ok a little New Years Moaning...
My figure just doesn't fit well in these new pants that are cut low. My hips and butt are slim but I guess it's my tummy which has never been flat and is now beyond that possibility probably forever. I know, I know they call them 'Mommy Jeans' - the ones I feel more comfortable in that come up to your belly button or at least close. These that are cut low often fall off of me unless I cinch them tight with a belt and that's not always comfortable. What's up with that? Disclaimer -This isn't me or my belly...
It did occur to me that I have lost a bit of weight this year and maybe have moved down a size. I went out and tried on several pairs of pants in fourteens instead of sixteens and I loved how the smaller sized jean fit me until I tried to wear a knit top and my 'muffin' roll was too unsightly above the pants....
Christmas was great, but now I want to sleep until 8:30 or nine every day! Me and my family both slept in until 9 today and I had a 10 am appointment and Jamie had gym at the same time. Wish we were of the upper class nobility as in Downton Abbey where we didn't know what a weekend was. Where all days would be long and lanquid and filled with fun and relaxation.
I wish my body didn't feel so old. I use a heating pad every night and get a massage at least every other week. My bones are aching...(I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my back. Not sure what that means other than - My bones are aching). Losing weight may help both with this issue and the pants not fitting, what do you think?

I wish selling real estate was easier or should I say simpler. I haven't had one 'gimme' deal. Every single one of the six deals that closed and the 12 or so others I wrote that are either in pending or where never accepted has been complicated and learning experiences. I am grateful that I was able to close 6 houses at over a million in production however as many new agents don't get this far. I am hoping to at least double my production and have 12 deals at 2 million for 2013. Today was a small snapshot of the ups and downs of the business. I met a new buyer at a house that her offer was accepted between the holidays this morning for a home inspection. The house was built in the 20s and is charming and lovely (Pictured above). It needs lots of structural work done though, both to shore up the foundation, replace the outer walls as well as some electrical and plumbing to the tune of probably $30,000. She may or may not move forward with this particular home purchase. Leaving the home inspection I met another customer who I just talked to yesterday for the first time who wanted to see one house. She liked it and made an offer today. We have already countered to their counter offer and are waiting to see if they accept.
Ahhh Real estate. I love this job and nobody ever said it would be easy!!